Morgan Coleman, Entertainment Editor


The Juul, originally designed to help addicted adults wean off of cigarettes, has recently hit a high point now that underaged teenagers have picked up on the trend.

The popular, little black Juul is composed of an aluminum shell equipped with a lithium battery and replaceable pods full of liquid nicotine. Young healthy adults continue to chop off years of their lives by smoking a fancy little flash-drive for clout. Now, parents are concerned that their children are motivated to smoke such dangerous devices.

Students should be aware of the specific dangers of Juuls and avoid using Juuls and other nicotine products.

Juuls are packed with the addictive drug nicotine. Each pod lasts for up to 200 puffs, which is about one pack of cigarettes a pod. Since the teenage body is still developing and learning how to cope with the hustle and bustle of everyday life, most teens fall trap to dependency on their Juul. Addicted teens can experience mini anxiety attacks without a puff from their Juul.

Other devices, such as vape pens and mods, allow the user to pick and choose the percentage of nicotine they want.  Users could determine their own intake of nicotine or choose to not have it at all. Juuls do not have that option. With Juul, teens are smoking the same amount of nicotine that is in a whole packs of cigarettes as opposed to maybe 5% or .05% of nicotine.

Along with obvious addiction to nicotine, the Juul is a much sneakier way to smoke. Compared to similar devices, Juuls release less smoke; therefore, it is easier for teens to use it in public places without being noticed.

Although teens know the detrimental effects Juul-ing can have on their health, some continue to smoke them.  Juuls are simply not safe for teens.