One Act Play to Perform Persephone
One Act Play, under the direction of teachers Susan Walsh and Jeff Wright, will present Persephone by Ford Ainsworth to the school February 28. Persephone is a comedy play based on a Greek story.
“This will be my third year performing for One Act play,” junior Kayden Salines said. “I’m really hoping this year’s play will advance far. ”
One Act Play cast and crew will compete third in the competition at Palestine High School March 6.
“I love this cast. Many of us have acted together before and have good chemistry,” senior Erin Rachel said. “They are more like a family to me than friends.”
The cast began practice readings on January 9 and only have 15 total rehearsals until performance. Walsh has previously directed this play.
“So far practices have been going great,” Rachel said. “But we can still improve, I know this play will be great.”
There are five seniors on the cast and two in the tech crew including stage manager Sarah McHenry. The lead characters are played by junior Robby Walia and sophomore Joy Stachmus.
“We are making each other laugh and just having fun.” Walia said. “ If we keep that comedy from practice on the stage at contest, we can win that thing for sure. ”

Lauren is a junior and staff reporter for the Eagle Beat newspaper. She is involved in FCCLA and band. She is part of the flag line.