Twirl and Flag to Perform in Kilgore Competition


The junior high twirlers, high school twirlers, and flags will compete at Kilgore all day on Saturday, November 17. They perform at the Kilgore competition every year, and it is one of their biggest events; they have all been preparing for months.

“I think that the twirlers will do good at this competition. Not to boast, but we usually do,” junior twirler member Lyndi Wilson said. “I get nervous at pep rallies and half time performances, so Kilgore is no different; however, I like the challenge of showing people and the judges how good our line is.”

The twirlers compete in single baton, double baton, and novelty competitions, and the flags compete in single flag, double flag, and novelty as well. The flags have two performances in the double flag competition.

“I really enjoy double flag routines because not a lot of schools do them,” junior flag captain Erin Rachel said. “We can really showcase our stage presence.”

The flags have won all of their competitions in the past ten years except for one year. This year, juniors Braden Bossier and Erin Rachel, along with seniors Michelle Rosales and Jordan Zamora choreographed a routine to the song “Bang Bang.” With Erin and Michelle using some of the moves from “Danger Zone” for the beginning of the performance, Braden and Jordan worked on creating dance moves for the end.

“This is where the creative brains of me and Jordan came in,” Braden said. “We both like to dance so we were both really excited. We thought of the dance part and the whole routine turned out really cute!”

The junior high twirling team consists of ten members, the high school twirlers have nine members, and the flag team has twelve members. The size of the team does not matter for the Kilgore competition.

“Performing at Kilgore is fun,” Lyndi said. “I get to spend time and bond with a lot of the girls on my team, and that’s my favorite part of Kilgore.”

The flag and twirler members perform at Kilgore every year. The flags practice together on Mondays after school, and the twirlers practice on Thursday evenings. Both the flags and twirlers use the band period to practice every morning.

“We have been preparing for Kilgore since we learned three of our four routines last summer,” flag member and sophomore Hailey Lane said. “Every one of our girls has spent a crazy amount of hours practicing and preparing for this competition.”