Businesses Reopen with Caution
Texas began Phase One of the re-opening process Friday. Retail stores, restaurants, movie theaters, museums, libraries, and malls are allowed to reopen at 25% capacity. Governor Abbott plans to continue the reopening of other businesses later in May.
Texas citizens should be cautious during this reopening and recognize the luxuries that were taken for granted.
During this time of quarantine, many people have taken extra precautions to keep themselves and loved ones safe. This attitude should be continued, even during the reopening. Coronavirus is an extremely contagious respiratory virus, and many people who carry the virus are asymptomatic. Meaning people could be carriers without knowing it, so social distancing and hand washing are still essential. Wearing a mask and gloves in public are good safety measures as well. Choosing to stay cautious can prevent Texas from having a second wave of coronavirus.
Quarantine has also shown Texans that so many everyday things are often taken for granted. Favorite places like churches and parks are now gone. Dine-in restaurants, gyms, retail stores, and even schools are all luxuries that people often overlook. Cosmetic shops and libraries are missed now more than ever, and Texans should take notice. Rather than complaining about going to work, Texans are eager to get back to work. Parents have new appreciation for teachers, and waiters and waitresses are dearly missed. If anything, the coronavirus has proven to Texans that they should be grateful for all they have, and appreciate society more.
As Texas reopens, residences should remain careful. Taking too many risks could result in a second wave of illness and another few months of quarantine. Instead, people should be safe and grateful for the amenities society has to offer. So tip the waiters at the restaurant, but sanitize the money.

Erin is a senior and copy editor for Eagle Beat newspaper. She competes UIL Journalism and One Act Play. She is captain of the flag line and involved in...