The Beekeeper, starring Jason Stattham and Josh Hutcherson, was directed by David Ayer and screen written by Kurt Wimmer. This action-thriller has a running time of 1 hour and 45 minutes and a rating 6.7 out of 10 according to IMDB.
Unfortunately, after a date mining group steals all of a Mrs. Parker’s money, including that for her charity, she takes her own life. It was very heartbreaking to see her go through that, but I thought it was a great thing to show because so many people get scammed by giving out information to someone untrustworthy online. When Mrs. Parker takes her life it leads the main character, Mr. Clay, to come out of retirement as a super-agent and attack the company office. While attacking the company office, he finds out that there is a bigger organization that is doing the same thing to millions of other people.
This movie impressed me with a plot of action and shocking events. The plot was never confusing or uncoordinated; the audience can stay interested in the movie, and the actors on screen seem more realistic. If you’re a person who likes straight to the point action, I would recommend this movie.
The actors and actresses play their roles fantastically. Senior actor Jason Stattham played his heroic role very efficiently. He drew me into the plot as soon as possible. Josh Hutcherson equally played a very convincing rich villain. Overall the movie had a great concept and plot. I would recommend this to anyone looking for an action movie that would keep them on their toes.