Preparing for STAAR

Preparing for STAAR

Zada Pjetrovic and Reese White

FISD STAAR testing starts April 18 across all campuses, so us as students need to be prepared. It’s that time of year again and help is everything you can ask for. 

Getting enough sleep the day before taking your STAAR test is the most important thing you can do to prepare. Sleep will help improve your concentration and have your mood set for the next day. 

Eating a healthy meal the day before and the morning of your test day also helps. Eating well helps with mental alertness, gives you enough energy, and helps with those pre-test jitters and nerves, (so don’t rely on gummies and a bag of chips to help you through the day).

In the end, make sure you take your time and don’t rush through the test. Now is the time to show your  skills and pass the STAAR.