CX, LD Debaters Prepare


Students attend the first practice meet at Buffalo HS. Photo contributed by Nicole Crawford.

Lauren Cochran, Staff Reporter

LD and CX debaters have been attending practice meets to prepare for spring UIL competition.

The Cross-Examination debate team attended the Ennis invitational on December 14 with coach Nicole Crawford, with junior Robby Walia and sophomore Kelton Carlson winning 3 rounds and seniors Klay Bonner and Devin Johnson winning 2 rounds. Freshman team Spain Covert and Payton Botelho also won one round.

“Many of my experienced members have graduated or moved ” Lincoln-Douglas Debate coach Nanceen Hoskins said,“ so we are mostly starting afresh, but the awesome thing about life is the understanding that through discernment and hard work, you can make your own destiny.”

LD and CX both attended the September 14 invitational at Buffalo HS. Walia and Carson placed 6th for varsity CX. Sophomores Rachel Reyes and Bailee Acremen placed 5th for Varsity CX. Senior Avery Peterson placed 6th for Novice LD. Sophomore Alyson Sanchez placed 4th for Novice LD. Senior Kailee Marchand placed 5th for varsity LD.

“This year’s topic of gentrification is just,”  Hoskins said. “ Hopefully the debaters are willing to look deeper, be determined, and ready to take direction.”