FCA to hold Fields of Faith

Braden Bossier, Staff Reporter

FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) will hold its annual Field of Faith on Wednesday in the Fairfield High School auditorium. The service will include music, prayer, testimony, and sermon. An offering will be gathered to aid with FCA scholarships,

“Planning a student lead service takes a group,” junior Margie Savage said, “and we have a great group of people who are willing to work hard to make everything come together.”

Teacher and FCA sponsor Jeff Wright has been helping student with the planning which began at FCA’s first meeting in September. The worship band from the First Baptist Church will lead the music and the Bossier family will sing a Capella.

“It is a lot of chaos just trying to organize more than a dozen teenagers who are extremely busy,” Wright said. “However, it is also one of the highlights of my year to be privileged to work with such wonderful, godly students.”

Many people will give their testimonies including junior Piper Niswanger and seniors Anna Kaye Williams and Mayra Soto.

“I’m really looking forward to giving my testimony,” Niswanger said. “I’m hoping people will learn, no matter what you are going through God will pull you through.

Junior and FCA secretary Erin Rachel aided in organizing the order of events that will take place and will close the service with a prayer.

“I hope the crowd doesn’t see us but sees Jesus through us, and the Holy Spirit will  move in people’s lives,” Rachel said. “I want people to open their hearts to Jesus and see His love, mercy, and grace given to us and how undeserving we are of Him.”

Savage anticipates Fields of Faith.

“I pray that we use Fields of Faith as a way for us to be vessels for God, and that the crowd that comes opens their heart to hear God’s words and not just see us,” Savage said. “I hope that the service is God breathed and not man conjured.”