The Ultimate Junior Versus Senior Face-off

Student Council Fundraiser for Little Girl in Need


The annual Powder Puff and Powder Buff games are back in season. The Student Council will be hosting this event on May 13 and encourage people to come. 

“When it comes to Powder Puff, a competitive spirit comes out between the junior and senior classes,” Junior Sponsor Elizabeth Collier said. “I feel like the juniors have a good fighting chance this year, they have some really good athletes and a good competitive spirit. So as the junior class sponsor, I feel like the juniors have a good shot to take over the seniors this year.” 

Powder Puff and Buff are the biggest fundraisers the Student Council holds every year. The proceeds go towards the student’s scholarships and the cause they had planned to help with this year. Approximately 75 percent will be going towards Aubree Blair, who was chosen as the recipient, to help her parents in any shape or form. The 25 percent left goes towards the student scholarships to be awarded to the students who put in all the hard work to make these things happen. 

“We are glad to have an opportunity to raise money for Aubree and her family,” Student Council Sponsor Katie Wade said. “Every year we try to choose somebody in the community that is in need and so that’s really the main point of Powder Puff.”

Powder Buff will be held in the Johnson Activity Center at 5 o’clock, admissions will be $2 at the gate. Powder Puff will be held at the football field at 7 o’clock, admissions will be $5 for adults, $3 for Junior High and High School students, $2 for students in 5th through kindergarten, and free for non-school age children. Concessions will be provided at both games.