Students Celebrate Homecoming with Spirit Days

Audrie Smith

The Eagles celebrated homecoming week Sep. 13 – 17. Each day was assigned a unique dress up day. These are the winners according to the student pole.

Monday’s dress up theme was Celebrity Look-Alike, Coach Tarsha Graves won the poll contest as Madea. In second place McKinna Brackens as Mrs. Clean.

“I enjoy dress up days, you get to see everyone’s creative side,” Graves said. “I wasn’t expecting it but, I’m very glad I won. Now I have to come up with something to top it next year.”

On Tuesday, the students’ dress up theme was Disney. In first place, Hayden Braswell and Ally Robinson as Hercules and Magara. The runner up, a group of peers dressed as Alice In Wonderland consisting of Bailee Acreman, MaKenzie Van, Alyson Sanchez, Alexis Gallegos, and Ashleigh Harris. 

“I am very appreciative of everyone who voted for me and Hayden,” Robinson said. “It is fun to know the students liked our costumes. Hayden wanted to be as accurate in our dress up as we could, we had a huge turnout this year.”

Wednesday’s theme was color block. Each class was assigned a color, the winning color was neon purple assigned to the seniors. The second place color belongs to the sophomores’ as neon pink. 

“I was very glad that we won,” senior Audrey Archibald said. “We had a lot of seniors that participated and I was shocked with the turn out.”

On Thursday, the students’ dressed up as Athletes v.s. Mathletes. In first place  Jeff Wright “Senor”, Hayden Braswell, and Jaycee Jobe dressed as mathletes. Runner up is Jack Savage as a mathlete. 

“I can’t believe I actually won,” Wright said. “It makes me happy. My inspiration for my costume was my college calculus professor. He would wear button down shirts with pens and pencils.”

The five dress-up days led up to the Homecoming football game against Robinson. The Eagles won 30-16, and senior Audrey Archibald was crowned Homecoming Queen.

“I think that winning second is awesome, a lot of people liked the outfit,” freshman Jack Savage said. “Whether I won or not, crazy is what I do! I think more people should participate and make people laugh.”